This entry was posted in Microsoft and tagged Microsoft, windows. wmic product get lists all the installed programs in the command prompt. You will see a message like Execute (\\ COMPUTERNAME\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber=””,Name=”Nokia PC Suite”,Version=”″)->Uninstall() (Y/N/?)? Type Y and wait for the result. Open the MS Uninstall Microsoft Office GUI.
Once we know the software name, we can uninstall specific product using the following command /node: COMPUTERNAME product where name=”Nokia PC Suite” call uninstall. Add rule to allow traffic to the RPC Dynamic Ports Go to Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Windows. Now, list all Nokia software on a specific computer using the command /node: COMPUTERNAME product where vendor=”Nokia” get name, version. I ran the above with admin creds on a local pc with. So, I thought to use: wmic product where 'name like 'TeamViewer'' call uninstall. I can do a simple task kill on the running EXE and to close the running program. The Uninstall method can be used either on the local computer or on a remote computer, and without delegation. The Win32Product Uninstall method can be used to remove software from a computer. The software is installed on the wrong computer. In the command prompt window type the password for user and press Enter As there are multiple ways to remove each version, I’d like a ‘catch all’ using a common variable and WMI commands. The software is not licensed for use in the organization.
In a window, type Runas /user: UPNsuffix cmd.exe (or Runas /user:domain\username cmd.exe) where YourUsername is your domain admin username or any username with admin privileges on the remote computer and UPNsuffix is your UPN suffix.